are either voting for Kamala Harris or, at least, that they will not vote for the GOP
candidate Donald Trump in this year's general election. These people include several former Republican Vice Presidents, cabinet officials, Members of Congress, and even a number of prominent members of the last Trump administration. This dramatic turn of events reflects the type of change in voter alignment with party ideology that occurs
when there is a major shift in the "system" of American political parties. There have been six commonly accepted party systems over the course of American history. In his new book What Makes a Great President, author Stephen Tryon argues that we have been living in a seventh party system for the past thirty years, that today's Republican Party no longer reflects the values of the traditional GOP, and that the change is a threat to the lawful processes that have guided the American Republic for two-hundred and thirty-five years. The book is available on Amazon and at barnesandnoble.com.